Flea and ticks, as well as other parasites, seem to be getting tougher and are arriving earlier every spring. We even see indoor cats for parasite infestations, as these obnoxious little parasites are great at jumping in through windows and coming home on clothes.
What are fleas?
Fleas are small parasitic bugs that feed off of your pet. They reproduce very quickly, and infestations can develop in your home in less than 21 days.
How do fleas harm the cats?
Fleas feed by biting and drinking blood from your kitty. During the bite, the flea transfers some of its salivae into your cat. This can cause itch (in some cases a more severe allergic reactions), transmit parasites such as mycoplasma and tapeworm, and in severe cases anemia due to blood loss.
Why is treating and preventing fleas so important?
Since fleas can jump over 100x their height to get to your cat, it is important to protect your pet from being their next meal. Monthly treatments and prevention medication is proven to be both safe and effective at protecting your cats from fleas.
What are some simple steps for treating fleas in your senior cat?
Shampoos are one common solution, but certain chemicals in certain products can cause severe damage to organ function in older cats and younger kittens. This means that it is highly advisable to consult your veterinarian about which products are safe and effective for your cats before making a purchase.