Blog: Services


Dog Anal Gland Expression

In dogs, anal glands are two small sacs found on either side of the anus that hold a scented fluid used in scent marking. Under normal circumstances, these sacs are expressed when your dog has a bowel movement. The majority of dogs will never need assistance to have their glands…


Dog Heartworm Test

Heartworm is a serious and potentially deadly parasite infection that causes severe damage to the heart and lungs. Dogs get heartworm when they are bitten by a mosquito that is carrying an immature life stage of the worm. The mosquito transfers the larvae to the dog, where it grows and…

Dog Fleas and Ticks

Flea and tick prevention is an important service for dogs who love the great outdoors. A dog’s fur provides the ideal environment for fleas and ticks to thrive and feed. Protecting your dogs from flea and ticks can prevent some of the illnesses and allergic reactions that these parasites can…


Nail Trimming and Ear Cleaning for Dogs

Nail trimming and ear cleaning are two basic grooming procedures that every owner should know how to do. It is best to start getting your dog used to these procedures at a young age. Your veterinarian or technician would be happy to show you the proper way to trim nails…