Is Your Pet Itching?

What You Need To Know About Fleas! Pets itch when they have fleas. Your pet will be especially miserable if they happen to be allergic to these tiny pests. So how do you know if your pet is itching from fleas or itching from another cause?

Pets with allergies are hypersensitive flea saliva left behind when they bite. A flea’s favourite place to nibble is around the base of the tail, the inner thigh, groin, stomach, and around the neck. We commonly see itchiness and/or reactions in kitty cats around their necks, back and bum areas.

Things to look for

  • Itchy spot (scratching, licking, rubbing, chewing, nibbling)
    • Constant itchiness may lead to hair loss, raw skin, scabs, skin infections
  • Red swollen little bumps
  • Hair loss
  • Small black dirt flecks
  • Small brown/black moving bugs

If you notice any of these signs, please contact your veterinarian for diagnosis and proper treatment for your pet.


The goal of flea control is to eliminate all present fleas, clean the existing house infestation, and preventing a reinfestation.

Talk to your veterinarian about the proper treatment and preventatives for your pet. Veterinary products are the most effective and safe flea treatments for your itchy friends.

  • Most topical and oral products are absorbed into the pet, and the flea will be killed when he takes a blood feeding from your pet.

*Most products kills the adult fleas (those feeding off of your pet), with some products also killing the eggs, larvae and juvenile stages.


To safely eliminate the existing infestation in your pet’s environment (your house), treat your pet with the suggested flea treatment from your veterinarian and allow your pet to explore and roam around its regular environment. This will allow distribution of the medication appropriately, and prevent any stress in your pet.

To fully treat and eliminate a current infestation, is it recommended to treat your pet for at least three consecutive months.

And additional complication for pet owners is an infestation of the yard by wildlife, feral cats and dogs, or other infested pets. Often owners will treat their pets, but do not realize the environment their pet frequents may be constantly infested with fleas by wildlife or feral animals. These pets must be continuously treated to prevent ongoing recurrent infestations. All pets in the household must be treated, or one pet can be the source of ongoing issues in a household.

***Please contact your veterinarian for proper diagnosis, treatment, supportive care, and control of your pet’s symptoms due to fleas infestations***

Written by Moncton Animal Hospital