Blog: Dog


Dog Anal Gland Expression

In dogs, anal glands are two small sacs found on either side of the anus that hold a scented fluid used in scent marking. Under normal circumstances, these sacs are expressed when your dog has a bowel movement. The majority of dogs will never need assistance to have their glands…


Dental Care for Dogs

Dental care in animals is one of the most important areas to focus on, as 80% of animals over 3 years of age, develop some form of dental disease. Poor dental health can have a serious negative impact on other body systems, such as the heart and kidneys, especially as…

Dog Spaying and Neutering

Neutering and spaying your dog is an important part of responsible pet ownership. This surgery prevents unwanted litters of puppies that can often end up in shelters. The surgery also helps prevent behavioural issues between dogs as well as improving their overall health in the long term.


Dog Behavioural Counseling

As dogs become larger parts of our lives, their behaviour needs to fit in well with our families. Sometimes, we get dogs that are poorly behaved, have aggression issues, are nervous or overly scared of new noises, objects and people, or are just difficult to train. We are here to…