Blog: Pet Nutrition & Wellness

Things You Should Know About COVID-19 and Pets

An outbreak of a novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in humans has drawn attention to the possibility of companion animal involvement. Here’s what you need to know:


Mental Health Matters

Mental health in pets is one of the most common problems overlooked by owners and veterinary staff. It’s important to spot the signs of a mental health condition at home, either its depression or anxiety, to treat appropriately.


What Every Pet Owner Should Know About Blue-Green Algae

We’ve had a beautiful but hot summer so far in the Greater Moncton Area. Due to warm temperatures, blue-green algae are collecting along the banks of ponds and water sources all across our city and surrounding areas.

hot dog

How Hot Is Too Hot? Is Your Pet in Danger?

We worry about frostbite and hypothermia in pets during the winter months, although spring and summer weather brings heat stroke and hyperthermia concerns. You may associate these risks with pets left in hot cars, although in extreme heat, it can even occur in your backyard.